Friends and family show appreciation to Connie Calderon for 50 years of community service at the Wilmington Teen Post 108 (now HCDC/Teen Center) Holy Family School and the Wilmington Community She worked 40 years at the Wilmington Teen Center (Teen Post 108) 30 years at Holy Family School Volunteered for 10 years at the Tzu Chi Clinic former president of the Sunshine Club a social charity organization Wilmington is known as the Heart of the Harbor Connie was called the Heart of Wilmington Often compared to Mother Theresa Connie helped Thousands she helped the homeless, provided food for the hungry, counseled thousands of youth re life and careers, comforted families who lost loved ones, organized blood drives and bone marrow testing for cancer victims the list goes on. She received many recognition awards her greatest joy was seeing youth that she helped succeed in career and life.